Author Instructions

Please make sure you have read through these instructions carefully before beginning the submission process. To contact the Journal Staff regarding a submission that is already in progress, simply click the "Send Manuscript Correspondence" link located under the "More Manuscript Info and Tools" header on the manuscript details screen.

Submission Guidelines

Prior to submitting a manuscript to AWWA, please review the AWWA Water Science Submission Guidelines. Any submissions that do not comply with the guidelines will be returned to the author for revision prior to further review.


New Account Registration
Modify Profile / Password
Review Process
Preparing to Submit
Submission Process
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Contact Journal Staff
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Manuscript Status

New Account Registration

To register a brand-new account, click the "New Users: Please Register Here" link on the home page. You will be asked to enter your Last Name, Email and Telephone Number so that the system may first determine if an account already exists for you. If the system determines you already have an account, your login name and a new, temporary password will be automatically emailed to you. If you need further assistance, please contact the Journal Staff directly.

If the system does not find an existing account in the database, you will be directed to the registration screen where you can enter in your personal information and choose a login name and password. You may log in immediately after creating your new account. You will also receive an email with your selected login information.

Modify Profile / Password

You may update your own profile information (such as address, areas of expertise, phone number, email, etc.) or your password at any time. Start by logging into your existing account. Click on the "Modify Profile/Password" link, displayed under the General Tasks near the bottom of your home screen.

Review Process

The manuscript submission and peer review process is broken down into the following 5 steps.

  1. The Author submits a manuscript.
  2. The Associate Editor assigns Reviewers to the manuscript.
  3. The Reviewers submit their review of the manuscript.
  4. The Associate Editor makes a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief.
  5. The Editor-in-Chief drafts and sends the decision letter to the Author.

Preparing to Submit

Before submitting a manuscript, please gather the following information:

Submission Process

The four steps of the submission process are: Files, Manuscript Information, Validate, and Submit. The four steps each contain sub-steps that can be accessed by clicking on their respective tabs. Navigating through this "Tab View" will save any entered information each time a new tab is clicked (or the boxes "Save and Continue" and "Next" are clicked). Each step and sub-step is listed below:

  1. Files
    • Upload Files A screen asking for the actual file locations (via an open file dialog) will appear. After completing this screen, your files will be converted to PDF for the peer review process.
    • Remove Files Allows the user to remove previously uploaded files.
    • Replace Files Allows the user to replace any previously submitted files with another file.
    • File Type This tab prompts the user to choose the "file type" that corresponds to the uploaded document. Though the file types can vary by journal, the five basic types of files are, Author Cover Letter, Article File, Figure, Table, Supplemental Material. Note: Supplemental data may be included for publication or for the peer-review process only.
    • File Description When uploading a file type labeled "Figure", "Table", or "Supplemental Material" it is required to give a brief description or caption of the content that is included in the file.
    • File Order This tab allows the user to rearrange the manuscript files in the required format: Article text, followed by tables, figures, photos. Upon completion of the ordering process, the user must check the checkbox to verify that the ordering and selection process is correct. The files will then be converted to a single merged PDF for display to the Editors and Reviewers.

  2. Manuscript Information
    • Title, Abstract It is required for the user to provide a Title for the manuscript and an Abstract. (Submission of a Running Title is optional.) The Title, Running Title, and Abstract all have word or character limits.
    • Authors This tab prompts the user to submit General Information about the author. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required and must be completed to continue the submission process.
    • Keywords, Categories & Subject Areas This screen prompts the author to select subject areas and keywords that apply to the topic of the manuscript.
    • Detailed Information This screen asks for more detailed information regarding the manuscript. The questions in this tab include "Conflict of Interest" and "Dual Publication."
    • Author Reviewer Suggestions At this point, the author is required to provide "suggested reviewers" to include in the revision process. The author can also suggest reviewers to exclude from the revision process, and indicate justification for exclusion.

  3. Validate
    • Approve Files This screen requires the user to verify that the manuscript has been uploaded and converted to the PDF format correctly.
    • Approve Manuscript This screen provides the user with all the information gathered from the submission process. It will provide a summary of all of the data entered, with the option to change any of those items.

  4. Submit
      This screen is the final step of the submission process. The system will check to make sure everything is completed before the manuscript is submitted. If the manuscript is ready for submission, then there will be text that reads: "Your manuscript is ready to be submitted. Click the link below to finalize your submission." Otherwise, it will ask that you modify your submission to fulfill all of the submission requirements.

Getting Help

Manuscript Status

After you approve your manuscript, the submission process is complete. You can get the status of your manuscript via:

  1. Logging into the system with your password.
  2. Clicking on the link represented by your manuscript tracking number and abbreviated title.
  3. Clicking on the "Check Status" link at the bottom of the displayed page.
This procedure will display detailed tracking information about where your manuscript is in the submission/peer review process.


The manuscript submission process starts by pressing the "Submit Manuscript" link on your "Home" page after you have logged into the system. Please make sure you have gathered all the required manuscript information listed above BEFORE starting the submission process.

Please press HOME to continue.

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